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Abrusta - a unique fungicide for the protection of grain ears, Kyiv region.
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Abrusta - a unique fungicide for the protection of grain ears, Kyiv region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv region. (Vyshgorodok)
Abrusta™ fungicide is recommended for the protection of winter and spring wheat, as well as of winter and spring barley in intensive crop cultivation technologies.
Bright and unique representative of the newest chemical class of SDHI fungicides.

Active substance: pentiopirad - 150 g/l, cyproconazole - 60 g/l
Class: Pyrazole Carboxamide (SDHI) + Triazole
Preparative form: suspension concentrate
Rate of use: 0.7 - 1.3 l/ha
Packaging: 5 l canister, manufacturer DuPont (Dupont)

Key benefits

- New action mechanism;

- Long-term protection period (4 weeks or more);

- Translaminar and systemic movement over long distances;

- Penetration through the wax coating;(//

- Resistance to being washed away by precipitation 1 hour after processing;

- Protection of new growth (untreated leaves);

- Positive influence on the development of above-ground mass;

- Improving the development of the root system;

- More efficient use of moisture;

- Better assimilation of mineral andorganic fertilizers by plants.

Abrusta is recommended for the protection of winter and spring wheat, as well as winter and spring barley in intensive cultivation technologies.
Abrusta provides high-class protection against a complex of diseases, such as types of septoriosis, types of rust, powdery mildew on wheat and barley, as well as pyrenophorosis, rhynchosporiosis, ramulariosis and other spots on barley.
Abrusta has a preventive and curative effect.
Abrusta has an excellent physiological effect, namely: it contributes to a qualitative effect on the development of the root system and above-ground mass, increasing photosynthetic activity, improving the assimilation of water andnitrogen fertilizers.
Абруста є високо селективним фунгіцидом до cereals ear crops.
Abrusta contains two active substances from different chemical classes, which prevents the development of resistance.
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Added/Updated: 14-10-2024 08:57  (current, until: 14-10-2025)
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