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Derosant - fungicide against a complex of diseases in crops of cereals, sunflower, sugar beet, Kyiv region.
Дерозант - фунгіцид проти комплексу хвороб в посівах зернових, соняху, цукрового буряку
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Derosant - fungicide against a complex of diseases in grain, sunflower, sugar beet crops, Kyiv region.

Price1500 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv region. (Vyshhorodok)
Derosant (Derosal)- Highly effective contact and systemic fungicide used in cropscereal crops for the purpose of treatment and prevention of fungal diseases.
The drug penetrates the vegetative parts of the plant, blocks the process of cell division in fungal spores and stops their development, which leads to the death of the pathogen.

Manufacturer: Rangoli
Packaging: a box of 4 canisters of 5 liters each, the price is per canister.

Active ingredient: Carbendazim 500 g/l
Preparative form: suspension concentrate
Chemical composition: inorganic

Cultivated crops:Sunflower,wheat, rye, barley, sugar beet

Plant diseases: Gray rot, White rot, Septoriosis, Cercosporosis, Fomosis, Powdery mildew

Features: Not compatible with strongly alkaline solutions.

The rate of consumption of working fluid is 200-300 l/ha.

Advantages of the drug Derosant (derozal, desaral):
It has both curative and prophylactic effects;
Safe for the environment and beneficial insects;
Has a long period of protective action up to 30 days;
Compatible with other pesticides, fertilizers and stimulants.
Regulations of application:

Consumption rates, l/ha
The maximum number of treatments
Method and time of processing.
Waiting period, days

Winter wheat
Spraying during the growing season 30

0.5 2 30

0.5 2 30

*Sugar beets
0.3-0.4 2 20

1.5 2 30
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