Гербіцид Харнес - еталон в ґрунтовому захисті кукурудзи соняшнику та сої.
Active substance content: acetochlor, 900 g/l
Preparative form: emulsifiable concentrate
Manufacturer: Monsanto, Belgium
Packaging: 20 l, the price is per canister.
Advantages of the drug:
a unique formulation that has been working for more than 20 years to guard against weeds in corn, soybean and sunflower seedlings;
a wide range of controlled dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds;
allows timely preparation of the soil for spring sowing at low soil temperature (from +6°С);
perfectly combines with No-Till technology;
if possible, it is used with products of the brand
Roundup to increase the effectiveness of the drug;
weed control at the early stage of culture development.
Application of the drug:
Object - Annual grass and dicotyledonous weeds
Consumption rate, l/ha - 1.5-3.0
Features of application - Spraying the soil before sowing, during sowing, or after sowing, but before the appearance of crop seedlings.
Object - Annual grass and dicotyledonous weeds.
Consumption rate, l/ha - 1.5-2.5
Features of application - Spraying the soil before sowing, during sowing, or after sowing, but before the emergence of crop seedlings
Object - Annual grass and dicotyledonous weeds
Consumption rate, l/ha - 1.5-2.5
Features of application - Spraying the soil before sowing, during sowing, or after sowing, but before the emergence of crop seedlings
Railway fabric
Object - Annual grass and dicotyledonous weeds.
Consumption rate, l/ha - 2.0-3.0
Features of application - Spraying the railway track before the emergence of weeds.
It is prohibited to graze livestock and collect hay in the zone 200 m from the railway track for 7 days. It is prohibited to treat station tracks at a distance of less than 200 m from the station and places of permanent residence of people.
Mechanism of action:
Acetochlor is a seedling inhibitor and inhibits cellular respiration processes in the root system of plants. After applying to the soil, the active substance remains in its upper layer, penetrating the weeds through the roots and seedlings. Since the active substance does not affect weed sprouts, this drug should be applied before the appearance of their seedlings. Under optimal moisture conditions, the herbicide remains active for more than 12 weeks.
Application features:
the optimal method of application is immediately after sowing, before the emergence of crop seedlings;
the soil should be warm, moist and well developed, should not have large hard lumps, which increase the absorption area and reduce the effectiveness of the herbicide Harness;
introduction of the herbicide Harness into well-prepared and moistened soil or precipitation of 10-15 mm after spraying allows to exclude its mechanical earning;
the application rate depends on the content of humus and the mechanical composition of the soil: heavy soils with a higher content of humus require a higher rate of application of the drug, soil with a large content of humus requires a higher rate of application of the drug.
Range of action:
Dicot sensitive weeds: sensitive, abutilon Theophrastus, schirytsia species, ambrosia polinolista, lutea, species, common buckwheat, quinoa, species, common dope, triple hibiscus, annual heather, small-flowered galinsoga, rough mustard, garden purslane, field mustard, nightshade black, no need ordinary.
Monocotyledonous sensitive and insensitive weeds: blood mitten, mouse's mitten, species, common plantain, common common millet, common millet, Aleppo sorghum, annual thinleg.