Broadline Spot-on drops for cats 2.5-7.5 kg L syringe-applicator 0.9 ml Merial
Merial Broadline spot-on is a modern, highly effective, antiparasitic preparation that protects cats from 20 types of internal and external parasites.
The kit includes an innovative spot-on applicator that ensures accurate application and dosing accuracy. To do this, it is enough to press the applicator once to apply the product to the withers of the animal.
Pharmacological properties:
The tool belongs to combined antiparasitic drugs.
The composition includes 4 active substances:
• fipronil;
• S-methoprene;
• eprinomectin and praziquantel;
• effectively influencing round and tape helminths;
• and also provide long-term protection against ixodid ticks, fleas, including immature parasites.
The unique combination of active substances has a systemic and local effect and is aimed at all major types of parasites of cats.
The drug destroys 20 types of internal and external parasites:
• flea;
• lice;
• vlasoedov;
• ticks (ixodovye, cheilitelly);
• gastrointestinal nematodes;
• bladder nematodes;
• pulmonary nematodes;
• heartworm larvae and cat cestodes.
Broadline spot-on has been proven to be safe for use in kittens from 7 weeks of age.
It is prescribed for cats for the treatment and prevention of entomozoa, nematozoa, cestodozoa, as well as acarosis caused by ixodid ticks;
for the prevention of dirofilariasis caused by the larvae of Dirofilaria immiti;
and in complex therapy of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas.
Dosage and method of application:
The drug is applied by dropwise (“spot-on”) application to dry, intact skin using a syringe applicator. To do this, you need to expand
wool along the middle line of the neck, between the base of the skull and the shoulder blades, pour the entire contents of the syringe-applicator onto the skin. Taking into account the cat's weight, choose a syringe-applicator or a combination of them.
Application of the syringe-applicator: cut the blister along the cut line. Remove the applicator from the package. When the applicator is in a vertical position, pull the piston back. The tip is turned and removed. Squeeze all the contents of the applicator directly onto the skin in one place.
One-time treatment of the cat ensures destruction:
• fleas – within 24 hours;
• ticks – within 48 hours;
• the appearance of fleas in the premises (places where animals are kept) - for 8 weeks.
Repeated treatments are carried out with a break of 1 month. Do not wash or bathe the animal within 48 hours after applying the drug. With frequent (more often than twice a month) washing the animal with a detergent, the treatment can be repeated after 2-2.5 weeks.
Weight of the cat (kg) Dose of the drug (ml)
to 2.5 0.3
7.5-9.9 0.3+0.9
10.0-15.0 0.9+0.9
Composition and form of release:
The tool is a transparent colorless or yellowish liquid. The drug is available in 0.3 and 0.9 ml in plastic applicator syringes. Syringe-applicator 0.3 ml contains the main substances:
• fipronil (25 mg);
• S-methoprene (30 mg);
• eprinomectin (1.2 mg);
• praziquantel (25 mg).
as well as auxiliary substances:
• butylhydroxytoluene (0.3 mg),
• stabilized glycerol formal (75 mg),
• dimethylisosorbitol (185 mg).
Dosage: 0.9 ml
Special instructions:
Broadline spot-on should not be used together with other antiparasitic drugs.
Special precautions are not provided. When using Broadline spot-on, personal hygiene and instructions for working with animal medicines are strictly observed.
Storage conditions:
Store in the manufacturer's closed package at a temperature from 0°С to 30°С, in a dry place protected from light, separately from food and feed. The shelf life is 2 years.
Kind of animals:
Boehringer Ingelheim (Merial), France
Tel. 050-xxxxxx
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