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 / Vegetables  / Potato  / Potato early boarding: Kiranda, Sensation...
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Картофель ранний посадочный : Киранда, Сенсация, Черный барон, Киви, Саншайн и др, Чернігівська обл.
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Early planting potatoes: Kiranda, Sensatsiya, Cherny Baron, Kivy, Sunshine, etc., Chernihiv region.

Price| ||13650 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Chernihiv region.
Destination: Nasinneva potatoes
Don't waste time, plantearly potatoes and get a harvest much earlier than what you planted earlier potatoes.
Elite early potatoes for every taste with different skin color, flesh and starch contentstarch.

Varieties: Kiranda, Sensation, Fairy, Galaxy, Mystery,Nods, Openwork, Vzyrets, Shchedrik, Peacock Eye, Black Baron, Manifest, Palace and other popular varieties.|| |173
Author, contacts
Tamara Ivanovna / feedback, info. / activity evaluation
Phone: (097xxxxxx show
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Ad ID: #842928 (added by a registered user, date registration: 09-12-2014)
Added / Updated: 06-03-2024 10:49  (current, until: 03-06-2025)
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