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KRN, KRNV cultivator sections, new on bearings, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Секции на культиватор КРН, КРНВ, новые на подшипниках
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KRN, KRNV cultivator sections, new on bearings, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Ціна1 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region.| ||141
We are selling sections of a plow cultivatorпропашного культиватора (for processing ofsunflower,corn, and other crops with rows up to 70 cm.). The sections are equipped with a reinforced bearing unit (there used to be a sliding sleeve that wore out very quickly). Sections on bearings 205. Sections for KRN cultivators without working bodies and with working bodies, on a bearing. Suitable for KRN cultivators. We will deliver the equipment to your household.
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Ad ID: #775015 (added by a registered user, registration date: 12-24-2015)| ||214
Додано / Оновлено: 11-10-2024 10:24  (current, until: 11-10-2025)
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