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KRN-5.6 with reinforced sections - weeding cultivator KRN, KRNV (banks, transport), Dnipropetrovsk region.
КРН-5.6 с усиленными секциями - прополочный культиватор КРН, КРНВ ( банки, транспортное)
For sale / buy

KRN-5.6 with reinforced sections - weeding cultivator KRN, KRNV (banks, transport), Dnipropetrovsk region.

Region:all Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region.
KRN-5.6 with reinforced sections -propolochny cultivator KRN, KRNV (cans, transport) Weeding cultivator KRN price, where to buy in Ukraine. Cultivator (high-stem mounted plant-fed cultivator) (КРНВ-5,6 (-4,2) ) with feeding device
It is intended for inter-row processing of plowed crops with simultaneous application of granular mineral fertilizers.(//
It provides high-quality loosening of the soil between the rows to a given depth with the destruction of weeds. KRN - sale, prices. Cultivator KRN: buy, photo, prices - Cultivator KRN, Cultivator KRN-5,6 Cultivator KRN is simply an irreplaceable thing in a farm. It performs the functions of grinding and loosening the soil, compacting and leveling the soil, grinding and cutting weeds. At this time, it is necessary to carry out hilling of cultivated plants and their fertilization with minerals with the use of a fat-screening device. Thus, we see how many operations can be performed with just one unit. It makes it possible to optimize both financial and time costs, achieving the best results. The resource-saving mechanism is useful for processing both large and small areas.
There is a large list of components for KRN, KRNV cultivators. - Call to specify what exactly you are interested in.
[b]Agricultural equipment from the manufacturer! Disc harrows mounted - trailed, semi-trailer BDN-1.8 (2.1-2.4-2.8), BDP- 2.5-2.8-3200, BDF-1.8-2.1-2.4-2.8, BDFP-2.4-2.8-3.5-3.8-4.2, AGD, PD. Disc threshers HEAVY LDVP. Cultivators KPS, KPPO, KGSH, KRN, KRNV, KMN, KMNV. Rollers for chipping and shredders of KRP, KIP. Hinged sprayers OP-600, 80, 1000 l. Trailed sprayers OP-2000, 2500,
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