ukr RUS
I will provide a service
Overhaul repair of Mitsubishi forklift trucks, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Капитальный ремонт вилочных погрузчиков Mitsubishi
I will provide a service

Overhaul repair of forklift trucks Mitsubishi loaders, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Region:all Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Restoration and capital repairforklift trucks happening at the repair and production site of LLC "Zeus-Service.|| |141
Этапы восстановления вилочных погрузчиков:
1 stage - Primary diagnostics
Stage 2 - Complete disassembly and cleaning.
3 stage - Restoration of components(//
4th stage – Cleaning and painting.
Stage 5 – Assembling theloader
Stage 6 – Trials
Confirmation of quality is the guarantee for restored loaders - 6 months or 600 hours of operation.

The company's branches are located in Dnipro, Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Kharkiv.
Автор, контакти
Татьяна /  відгуки, інфо.activity evaluation
Phone: (095xxxxxx show
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Added / Updated: 02-26-2024 09: 23  (current, until: 02-25-2025)
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