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BioMAG Soya - inoculant for soybean seeds, Vinnytsia region.
БіоМАГ Соя - інокулянт для насіння сої
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BioMAG Soya - inoculant for soybean seeds, Vinnytsia region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Vinnytsia region. (Gogol 30)
BioMAG Soya - a two-component liquid preparation (inoculant + extender) for pre-sowing inoculation of soybean seeds on based on the culture of nodular bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain LZ21 and LZ18-GM with a titer of at least 5x10^9 CFU/ml and the products of their metabolism (phytohormones, amino acids, vitamins).

Packaging: 3 l package (2 l inoculant + 1 l extender)
Consumption rate: 1 package / 1 ton of seeds.

Certified Organic Standard according to the Standard for the production of auxiliary substances that can be used in organic agriculture and processing (taking into account the requirements of the Standard, which is equivalent to EU Regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008)

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