Leopard 280/0 mulcher
The quality of modern agricultural equipment is the key to successful business in the agricultural sector. The range of agricultural equipment offered by manufacturing companies is extensive and able to satisfy any needs. Constructive developments are characterized by a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and productivity. The reasonable price policy of many manufacturers of agricultural machinery makes its purchase and operation profitable. Chipper Leopard 280/0 2.8m, 2.5m is a constructive development of the Polish firm Talex. It is distinguished by high design quality, productivity, ease of operation and maintenance. Delivery. Warranty There are other equipment Write. !
We deliver throughout Ukraine at a 40 percent discount on forwarding services, without prepayments.
We also have: sprayer, fertilizer spreader, rotary mower,
rake, tedder, disc harrow, plow,
roller , inter-row cultivator, soil tiller, potato planter, potato digger, mulcher, shredder, deep-seeder, grain loader, garden sprayer, garden mower, seedling planter,
garden drill, garden fertilizer spreader, garden cutter, pick-up press, tractors, loaders, cranes, loaders, combines, potato harvester, cabin for T-25, barrels for sprayer.