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Sell farm fish in assortment for industrial processing, Dnipropetrovsk region.
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Sell farm fish in the assortment for industrial processing, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region.  (Ul. Sovkhoznaya, 110 )
I offer for sale, from the city (Dnipropetrovsk) and delivery in the territory of Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kirovohrad regions in various volumes of fish and seafood of various groups:
- Commercial fish for industrial processing (Kilka, zander, saury, herring, mackerel, vomer, bonito, etc.)
- Delicacy varieties (salmon bellies, salmon, salmon meat, salmon spines, grayling, trout, halibut, etc.)
- Seafood (shrimp, squid, mussel meat, octopus, etc.)
- Caviar (husks, chums, trouts, moifs, herrings)
- Steak group (wolf, red-bellied, zabatka, buttery, etc.)(//
- NORVEN semi-finished products (packaged) (burgers, cutlets)
- Fish from table-grade varieties (Argentina, flounder, pollock,nototeniy, whiting, capelin, whiting, fillet, hake, hocks, etc.)
- UFC semi-finished products (burgers, cutlets, sticks, minced fish)
- Thermoforms UFC, Norven (shrimp, chub, shrimp, salmon, pollock, capelin, smolt, etc.)
Production countries Estonia, Iceland, Norway, USA, Chile, New Zealand, Canada, China
High-quality products at importer prices (Price list on request)
Stanislav 0667xxxxxx, 0675xxxxxx, 0969xxxxxx
Ad ID: #676899 (added by a registered user)
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