Spare parts produced by Argentina Bertini, Super walter, Fabigmac, Crucianelli and others.
We produce spare parts
disks coulters and turbo disks, gears and others.
Services for harvesting grain and fallow crops and for direct and traditional sowing.
Online store
I will sell spare parts for seed drills "Terranova", "Bertini", "Super Walte", etc.
Direct delivery of agricultural machinery spare parts from Argentina.
Direct and traditional seeding services with direct seeding drills (Argentina), which guarantee an increase in the obtained seedlings by 10-15% and their uniformity.
Services for the harvesting of grain crops
combines (Germany), which guarantee an increase in the volume of the harvested crop and an improvement in its quality.
Our 6-meter-wide machines with
wheels large sizes compact the soil less and make fewer passes during work.
I will sell spare parts for seed drills "Terranova", "Bertini", "Super Walte", etc.
Direct delivery of agricultural machinery spare parts from Argentina.
Low prices.
available in assortment.
Firmy "Bertyny". "Cayman", "Richiger", "Super Walter" and others.
Daniel +380xxxxxx