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Аренда сельскохозяйственной техники на уборку зерновых культур, Київська обл.
Аренда сельскохозяйственной техники на уборку зерновых культур
I will provide a service.

Rent of agricultural machinery for harvesting grain crops, Kyiv region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv region. (Breweries)
We provide for long-term lease combines of leading brands forharvesting of grain and oil crops. The company's equipment is represented by world-famous brands: Claas Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, Case. A wide assortment and high quality ofharvesters will allow to achieve maximum productivity in a short period of time. We work with all of Ukraine at very affordable prices. Any form of payment. All questions onservices harvesters should be clarified by phone. (067) 257 80 00, (067) 666 44 22.
Our website:
Author, contacts
Agrospetstrans 888 / відгуки, інфо. / estimate of activity
Phone: 0672xxxxxx show
Prepayment or super favorable price? Be sure to familiarize yourself with it!
Ad ID: #656494 (added by a registered user, registration date: 07-02-2015)
Added / Updated: 11-21-2024 16:20  (current, until: 11-21-2025)
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