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Bomet disk harrow (chamomile), disk harrow, Kirovohrad region.| ||121
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Harrow disk( chamomile) Bomet, disk harrow, Kirovohrad region.

Price450 UAH.
Region:вся Україна, Kirovohrad region. (8 Inzhenerov avenue *Agro Soyuz*)
DiskBDVP harrows "Chamomile", Disc diameter - 710 mm, disc thickness - 8 mm, hole for shaft - 40x40 mm. Steel 65G.
The discs have undergone thermal and shot blasting treatment, which, in turn, improves the structure of the steel and increases their service life.
A complete technological process is maintained during the production of discs. The disc is made of 65 G steel, 6 mm thick. Thermally processed (oil quenching - vacation).
Technical characteristics of the disk
1) Outer diameter – 500 mm.(//
2) The inner hole is a square with a diameter of 32
3) The thickness of the disk is 3 mm.
4) HRC hardness - 36...44
5) Number of petals – 10 petals
6) Steel - 65 g
7) number of holes - 1
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Added / Updated: 11-15-2024 12:04  (current, until: 15-11-2025)
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