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 / Services for agriculture  / Transportation of rural areas of products  / Sea and container transportation
I will provide a service
Sea and container transportation, Odesa region.
Морские и контейнерные перевозки
I will provide a service

Sea and container transportation, Odesa region.| ||126

Region: Odesa region.   ( Topolsky lane, 4a)
We provide a professional international transportation service:
- transportation of containers by sea, rail and road transport;
- chartering of ship lots of general, bulk and oversized cargoes;
- forwarding and transshipment in seaports;
- oversized transportation;(//
- outsourcing of foreign trade;
- cargo insurance; 150
- авто и жд перевозки;
- customs clearance of import and export goods.
The geography of LaneMax logistics has no boundaries, we will deliver goods to/from China, the USA, India, Turkey, Egypt, the Russian Federation, the countries of the European Union, the CIS, South America, Africa, Asia, the Persian Gulf, etc.
We carry -grains and oil crops, lumber,fertilizers, textile products, paper, metal, equipment and machinery , construction materials, consumer goods, etc.
Author, contacts
Sergei reviews, info. / activity evaluation
Phone: +38(xxxxxx show| ||187
Передоплата або супервигідна ціна? Обов'язково ознайомтесь!
Skype: lsa-sergey| ||192
ID ad: #588751 (added by a registered user, registration date: 07-31-2016)
Added / Updated: 08-13-2024 10:47   (current, until: 13-08-2025)
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