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I will provide a service
Installation and production of frameless hangars, warehouses and warehouses, Chernihiv region.
I will provide a service

Installation and production of frameless hangars, warehouses and warehouses, Chernihiv region.

Price950 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Chernihiv region.
Leader on the Ukrainian market in the production, construction and installation of frameless arched hangars, built and built by the company " Angaryugstroy" offers itsservices. These structures are ideal for warehouse complexes, shopping centers, indoor markets, industrial and agricultural buildings, sports facilities. Also, arched ceilings can be used for reconstruction of existing buildings and premises, the cheapest option for roof restoration/replacement.

The offers of the "Angaryugstroy" company are distinguished by the lowest price on the Ukrainian market in this segment and high quality. These results were due to an increase in capacity and a large amount of work throughout Ukraine - more than 1,000,000 square meters were covered.

Production is carried out at the place of order on our own equipment made of high-quality galvanized steel, the structure is self-supporting, and its lightness allows not to spend money on the construction of massive foundations. The joining of the arched elements of the structure is made by a rolling machine in a waterproof lock, which ensures the integrity and tightness of the structure and does not require additional fasteners.

Frameless arch constructions are:
- low cost;(//
- fast payback (6-8 months);
- a wide range of applications;
- maximum useful area for minimal money;
- the most durable and durable frameless buildings and structures; 180
- короткие сроки строительства независимо от времени года (1000 кв.м. за 7-10 дней);
- minimum maintenance and maintenance costs (absence of roofing materials, wall decoration, etc.)
- saves your money and time as much as possible.

On our website: you can familiarize yourself with all our offers in more detail.
Author, contacts
Dmitriy / reviews, info. /  | ||199оцінка активності
Phone: +380xxxxxx show
Prepayment or super bargain price? Be sure to familiarize yourself with it!
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