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Kruglyak and walnut kernel, Kyiv
Кругляк и ядро грецкого ореха
Кругляк и ядро грецкого ореха
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Kruglyak and walnut kernel, Kyiv

Region: Kyiv   (Kyiv ul. Pryrechnaya 13)
The company NATURAL-NUTS sells wholesale unpeeled and cleaned light walnut from 200 kg to 100 tons.
Our services:

Sale and purchasewalnut kernels
and purchase of round walnut(//
Processing of round walnuts
Storage services for round walnuts in a warehouse
Services for storing walnut kernels in a refrigerator at a constant temperature
Services for drying round logs and walnut kernels
Services of calibration and sorting by size and color of walnut kernels
Author, contacts
Andrei / відгуки, інфо. / estimate activities
Phone: (067xxxxxx show
Prepayment or a super favorable price? Be sure to check it out!
Ad ID: #513678 (added by a registered user, date registration: 02-15-2016)
Added / Updated: 10-10-2024 00:18  (current, until: 10-10-2025)
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