purposes - a feed for beekeeping, prepared from inverted syrup and saccharna powder. Candles stretch on the nest frames in the type of lepeshek, as well as in the uterine or peeling clips. 1 kg "Kandy" praise the seven approximately for 1 month. Podnok for the pecks of "Candles" in many, even tilted beasts, it was so that in the periode of winter in the non -copular seven, they are overwhelmed or the reserves of feeds. As a result, it
= Beefted seven= can make the lack of feed. Know the beekeeps, as a rule, with a Yanvari. The reserves of the feed can be added to the nest in the nest with the club with honey or the honey frame will put a honey frame above the club. Listed more methods of feed of the beekeepers can be grouped in the winter, the warmth of the grinding or in warm weather. For the outstream feed, the beekeepers need to choose such a kind of feed, which does not cut into the beekeepers and do not break their intestines early more than time (to the first Current in warm weather). Simple for winter for feed, the beekeepers are dense, test -shaped feed, which can be used in the love of winter winter. When you need honey and the flat agreement, they use the test -shaped feed for the Kandy Bee. The fossil "Kandy" should be settled so that it is possible to thwarter the club and will try to not allow the swing of the beekeeping with Ulya. Before the topics, as it will feed, it should be prepared before it. The subcortical squeezes in the tenthole that she was not very tolstoy and you were smoking calmly
= Krishka Ulya. Лепешка, как правило, остается в пленке. В пленке пробиваем ножом, вилкой, пальцами несколько дырок, чтоб пчелам было легче добраться к подкормке. В нашей подкормке для пчел «Канди» мы используем инвертированный сироп (Германия), для более легкого усвоения пчелами, сахарную пудру и
pile. Beekeeping of felt and foreign proofing of wholesale and destructive centers. The very wide assortment of the product, the hibernation of the tanry and the abuse of the clyent. Lyudmila tel 967397145