Trout roe is usually small or medium in size, bright red in color, and its eggs are quite elastic. Usually trout roe is a bit sticky. It has a delicate, tender, but rather salty taste.
Trout caviar 0.5 kg = UAH 459
Trout roe 0.3 kg = UAH 289
Red Trout roe is rich in high-value protein and easily digestible fats. This is an excellent material for the "construction" of a new living organism, so it has everything necessary for this organism to develop fully. Here is lecithin, vitamins A, E, D and group B, phosphorus, iron and other mineral substances and organic compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the body,
cells of each cover, regulation blood pressure and maintaining a high level of hemoglobin.
Trout roe has a lot of advantages that allow it to take its place among the most sought-after delicacies of the world. The useful and nutritional properties of trout caviar cannot be underestimated, because in addition to its excellent taste, it is a reliable source of balanced vitamins of groups B, C, D and E.
Икра форели содержит в себе огромное количество белка, полезных жиров, протеина, полиненасыщенных жирных кислот семейства Омега3, которые отлично усваиваются человеческим организмом. Именно по этой причине икру стоит есть детям и беременным женщинам. Особое место икра форели занимает еще и благодаря своему маленькому размеру икринок, имеющих очень мягкий и нежный вкус.
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