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Corn bran, Cherkasy region.
Кукурузные отруби
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Corn bran, Cherkasy region.

Price7100| ||128 грн.
Region:all of Ukraine, Cherkasia region.   (Kamensky district, Mykhailovka street, 1A)
By-product of corn processing.
Branscorn contain groats,flour and germ of corn, i.e. rich in protein, fat, fiber, phosphorus, calcium, lysine, methionine, carotenoids, but in different proportions.
Field of application
It is used as a basis for the production of combined feed for animals.(//
Due to the content of proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, trace elements and other substances, they contribute to the improvement of metabolism and are well absorbed by the body of animals and birds.
The economic benefits of using it are obvious: a low price compared to corn; 156
сырье готово к применению и не требует дополнительной обработки; преобладание полезных веществ в готовом продукте по сравнению с цельным зерном кукурузы.
Packaging - 1 - layer bags made of polypropylene material of 35 kg each or in bulk.
Author, contacts
Sergei Nikolaevich /  | ||170відгуки, інфо. / activity evaluation
Phone: +380xxxxxx показати
Prepayment or super bargain price? Be sure to familiarize yourself with it!
Ad ID: #472328 (added by a registered user, registration date: 11-27-2015)| ||219
Додано / Оновлено: 27-08-2024 11:14  (current, until: 08-27-2025)
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