Milk Dry Patient Extract Belok 32-34%, paths ... sell / buy
milk Dry Player Extra Belok 32-34% , Paths 1, 5%, Kiev
not expensive on the permanent basis.
Reference to any region of Ukraine of the new mail, delaners, Som, etc.
Отправка в любой регион Украины Новой Почтой, Деливери, САТом и т.д.
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Сухое обезжиренное молоко (СОМ)Жирность 1,5%
Intaubatii from pasteurized degreaser
cow's milk Puthem drawn on the dried on the dried apricots. Som is classifated on the basis of a boobing of thermal heat in the flow of the prominent process. Vedat: high -quality (with numerical reconcies), medium -Mompaturna and low -temperature (with the abyssed) drying. Large needed catfish - dairy, confectionery and bread -bakery Industry, as well as prevented on the protuberance of dry mines. The catfish is displayed when the detachable issue and flying recorders, is a component of the products of the products of cooked preparation, is reached in the muscular industry. From the catfish, the replacement of this milk milk and
feed to the agriculture. Plennae, semi -dried on roller drying installations. Can