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 / Services for agriculture  / Transportation of rural areas of products  / Grain trucking-cargo transportation services
I will provide a service
Grain transportation-freight transportation services, Ternopil region.
Услуги зерновозов-грузоперевозки
I will provide a service

Grain transportation-freight transportation services, Ternopil region.| ||124

Регіон: Ternopil region.
Freight transportation from 1 to 20 tons, from 20 to 120 cubic meters.
awnings, refrigerators, isotherms.
dump trucks, tow trucks
manipulator crane
— apartment moves
— office relocations
— country house and warehouse moves(//

Предлагаем услуги по перевозке зерновых, масличных культур, удобрений, другой сельхозпродукции. Предоставляем КАМАЗЫ колхозники, бортовые и еврозерновозы. Также загружаем и доставляем европаллеты, фасованную и штучную продукцию.
Load capacity up to 35 tons, volume from 55 to 92 m3.
Internal dimensions of the cargo compartment: length from 10.8 to 13.6 m, width - 2.48 m, height from 1.9 to 2.7 m. Height from the ground from 3.3 to 4 m. Capacity from 26 to 33 pallet.

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Ad ID: #434492 (added by a registered user, registration date: 09-13-2015)
Added / Updated: 08-13-2024 16:44  (current, until: 13-08-2025)
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