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Vial TT pickle (August), TT vial buy, TT vial for sale, Kyiv
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Etching Vial TT (August), Vial TT buy, Vial TT for sale, Kyiv

Region: | ||134 Київ (All drugs are original. Free delivery.)

Vial-TT (thiabendazole, 80 g/l + tebuconazole, 60 g/l). Belongs to the group of combined drugs.

Active substance thiabendazole - see Titusym.
Active substance tebuconazole - see folikur.

Class 2 danger.

Vial-TT is produced in the form of an aqueous suspension concentrate.

Vial-TT, VSK is recommended for pickling winter rye seeds (0.5 l/t) against root rot, snow mold (in areas of depressed development); winter wheat (0.4 l/t) against hard and powdery mildew, root rot, snow mold (in areas of depressed-moderate development), seed mold, rhynchosporiosis; wintertriticale (0.4 l/t) against root rot, snow mold (in areas of depressed-moderate development), seed mold; spring wheat (0.5 l/t) against root rot, hard and powdery mildew, seed mold, early septoriosis; spring barley (0.5 l/t) against root rot, powdery mildew, net spotting, seed mold, oats (0.4 l/t) against fusarium root rot, mold, seed mold; of grain crops (0.5 l/t) against ergot.
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