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Sapokorm - mineral supplement for fattening pigs, 25 kg, Khmelnytskyi region.
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Sapokorm - mineral additive for fattening pigs, 25 kg, Khmelnytskyi region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region. (Slavuta)
The "NATURAL MINERALS" company offers to use SAPOKORM as a mineraladditive to pig feed.
SAPOKORM is a completely natural preparation without any additives and preservatives and does not contain toxic elements and allergens.
The product is made from a natural dispersed mineral of the trioctahedral magnesium montmorillonite group
smectite without artificial addition of macro- and microelements.
The use of SAPOKORM ensures that animals receive a unique naturally balanced complex of vital macro- and microelements, in particular, magnesium, silicon, iron, zinc, etc., and normalizes their balance.
Due to the special natural combination of macro- and microelements in its composition, SAPOKORM has high adsorption, cation exchange, catalytic and detoxification properties that improve the metabolism and productivity of animals.
The use of SAPOKORM contributes to the increase of meat productivity (up to 25%), the preservation of young animals from diseases and death (11-15%), the reproductive capacity of pigs, the increase of assimilation of nitrogen, phosphorus and certain trace elements in the animal's body.
The State Department of Veterinary Medicine, the State Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicines and the Institute of Feed and Agriculture of the Podillia Branch of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine recommend the use of SAPOKORM as a mineral additive for fattening farm animals, as well as as a component in the production of compound feed and premixes (Guidelines for the use of SAPOKORM dated 04/30/2003 No. 15-14/187 and 04/24/2015 No. 13-02/352).
SAPOKORM is recommended for:
- increase in meat productivity;
- preservation of young pigs from diseases and death;
- reduction of the culling rate and increase of the reproductive function;
- removal of toxins, pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and some types of viruses from the gastrointestinal tract of pigs;
- cleansing of the animal body from salts of heavy metals and radionuclides;
- improvement of immunity and stabilization of metabolism;
- improvement of animal appetite and assimilation of nutrients;(//
- strengthening of the musculoskeletal system;
- prevention and treatment of microelementosis, parakeratosis, dysentery and fodder diarrhea, gastroenteritis and other diseases.
SAPOKORM is added to the composition of dry, loose, granular and wet mixtures and premixes with thorough mixing for the purpose of uniform distribution over the entiremass of feed.
The following rates of feeding SAPOKORM are recommended:
- piglets (weighing up to 10 kg) - 3-4 g/day; 170
- свиням на дорощуванні та відгодівлі - 0,2-0,3 г/кг живої ваги на добу;
- sows - 20-25 g/day.
When treated with SAPOKORM for 3 to 10 days, the prophylactic dose increases by 1.5-2 times.
Feeding SAPOKORM in the recommended doses for each species of animal can be started after the transfer of young animals to independent consumption of feed and before slaughter.
Since SAPOKORM does not contain toxic elements and impurities in its composition, and as a sorbent removes salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the animal's body, it is recommended to constantly feed the mineral complex without limiting its use in time.
As a result of adding SAPOKORM to pig fodder, there is a significant reduction in the costs of their fattening with a guaranteed improvement in productivity and quality of fattening.
In addition, SAPOKORM removes metabolic products from the animal's body and is an alternative to veterinary drugs in the treatment of many diseases.
There are no contraindications. Adverse reactions when using SAPOKORM were not detected. Cases of overdose were not reported.
The shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The batch number and date of manufacture are indicated on the package.
Safety, quality, compliance of the product with standards and technical conditions in terms of toxicity, content of radionuclides and toxic elements, confirmed by the Conclusion of the State SES of Ukraine dated 04/08/2016. No. 05.03.02.-04/11905, by Expert opinion No. 004025 d.k./16 dated 08.08.2016. Khmelnytskyi RGLVM of the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine, Conclusion of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine dated 15.06.2015. No. 491.
Produced according to TU U 10.9-21314234-001:2012.
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