Сушилки, прессы, насосы для сырых сыпучих продуктов, Чернігівська обл.
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Dryers, presses, pumps for raw bulk products, Chernihiv region.
Region:Chernihiv region.
Updated:|| |146
PKF PKF "Techno-T" (Nizhyn, Chernihiv Region) manufactures, repairs and offers drum dryers, disc and tube, steam-operated , intended for drying to a moisture content of 8-10% from raw materials: pulp, bard, beer grist, pulp, bran, grated vegetables, ground and unground grains and other products with a moisture content of no more than 65%. The productivity of the finished product ranges from 70 to 690 kg/hour. Alsoпредлагаются crusher – dryer and cyclone dryer for drying raw (60% humidity) pulp, peat, sawdust, straw, sunflower husks up to 12-14% humidity, the heat generator of which works on solid fuel. At the request of customers, the dryers are equipped with a hopper with a screw conveyor and a dispenser, a pistonpump (a mixing pump), a separator (dehydrates about 98%), a press (dehydrates about 85%), a mill 0 ,4 t/h, pneumatic transport, fodder preparation complex (bunker-mixer and crusher 1.5 t/h),weighing scales with strain gauge and installed on the frame. It is possible to manufacture the entire line of equipment from stainless steel. Valentin. tel. +380939662050,+380681945008. e-mail: tehno-t@i.ua