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/ milk, dairy products/Сир твердий, сирний продукт  /  Итальянский сыр Grana Padano
Продам / купити
Iitalian Syr Grana Padano, Kiev
Итальянский сыр Grana Padano
sell / buy

= Iitalian Syr Grana Padano, Kiev

= Solid cheese, cheese product
/| || 64
. = Price 7.8
Region: = Kiev
= updated:
= Speaker of the Tweerd Syrov Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano, terrified in G. Parma,
=. Calculates the houses of wholesalers, importers, etc., on the intelligent arguments.

= Grana Padano Dop (10 - 12 Misia)
Grana Padano DOP (13 - 16 месяцев)
Grana Padano Retinato (//tractor-service.com)
В формах, 1/8 (вакуум), 1 кг(вакуум), 500 гр(вакуум), 300 гр(вакуум), тёртый в различных упаковках

== Grana Padano (Granny Padano) - Iitalian solid sore= cow's milk=, Hit on Parmigiano Reggiano
==. (Imeat the same granulated structure), but his ego bites is painful and salty with fruit notes.

Grana padano is needed as a dish, it is often added to= salad=, the first and secondary dishes.
Better dressing rooms situ Syra= is the remedy red wines: Barolo, Barbersko and Brunello Di Montalchino
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Skype: kompass.trading
ID оголошення: #178330 (added by the registered user, registration date: 12-04--- 2013)
added/updated: 19-01-2025 13: 23   (Topical, to: 19-01-2026)
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= (// tractor-service.com)
= In forms, 1/8 (vacuum), 1 kg (vacuum), 500 gr (vacuum), 300 gr (vacuum), tread in different packaging
= UA