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For sale / buy
OptiSun sunflower harvester, Kyiv
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Жатка для уборки подсолнечника OptiSun, Київ

Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv
Updated:| ||143
Reaper for harvesting sunflowers OptiSun is a row-type auger harvester with vibrating tables for seeds. This harvester can harvest sunflower both in rows and without rows. The harvester is very high quality and easy to use. Does not require maintenance during cleaning. It is not necessary to change the oil in the gearboxes. Warranty 2 years. Harvesters are made in 6, 8, 12 and 16 row versions. There are options for harvesters with ashredder.
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Ad ID: #152180 (added by a registered user, registration date: 2012-12-11)
Added / Updated: 10-21-2023 16:50  (current, until: 10-20-2024)
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