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 / Vegetables  / Potatoes  / For sale potatoes, Bela Rosa variety
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I will sell potatoes, Bela Rosa variety, Zhytomyr region.
Продам картоплю, сорт Бела Роса
Sell / buy

I will sell potatoes, variety Bela Rosa, Zhytomyr region.

Price12.5 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Zhytomyr Oblast.
Purpose: Product potatoes
Quantity: 22 tons
I will sell marketable potatoes, Bela Rosa variety. Potatoes are good, clean.
Author, contacts
Mykhailo Oladko / reviews, info. / activity evaluation
Phone: 3809xxxxxx show
Prepayment or a super bargain price? Be sure to familiarize yourself!
Ad ID: #1313350 (added by a registered user, registration date: 09-28-2020)
Added: 08-19-2024 11:31  (current, until: 19-08-2025)
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