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 / Vegetables  / Potatoes  / For sale wholesale potatoes from 40 tons. edible
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Продам картоплю оптом від 40т. їстівна, Полтавська обл.
Продам картоплю оптом від 40т. їстівна
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I will sell potatoes wholesale from 40 tons. eatery, Poltava region.

Price18 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, | ||135 Полтавська обл.
Purpose: Commodity potatoes
Quantity: 100 tons
Wholesalepotatoes edible!
The price is UAH 18. for 1 kg.
We work without days off!(//
calls are accepted daily, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
by phone 099-771-77-72, Vladyslav
Delivery and pick-up possible from a warehouse in the city of Lubny, Poltava region.
Author, contacts
Denis Igorevich /  | ||170відгуки, інфо. / estimate of activity
Phone: +380xxxxxx show
Prepayment or super favorable price? Be sure to familiarize yourself!
Ad ID: #1301116 (added by a registered user, registration date: 14-06-2021)
Added / Updated: 09-20-2024 08:05  (current, until: 19-12-2024)
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