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Реалізуємо інк яйця всих сільгосп птахів, Кіровоградська обл.
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We sell ink eggs of all bird farms, Kirovohrad region.

Price16 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kirovohrad region.
We sell ink eggs on a permanent basis of broiler, and seasonally all farm / farm poultry, as foreign: Poland, Czech Republic , Hungary, and our Ukrainian poultry farms, the assortment is large, starting with broiler - kobb500, ross-708, ross308, colored broiler, Arbor aikres
Meat eggs, scrambled eggs,ducks,geese, turkeys,quails| ||153, породна птиця. (//
Incubators of different volumes.
Call, there will be an interesting conversation.
We sell hatching eggs
Broiler: Cobb500, Ross708, Ross308, Arbor
Aycres, sasso
Eggs: leghorn, loman Brown-white, highs
Author, contacts
Pasha Slizky / відгуки, інфо. / activity evaluation
Phone: 0960xxxxxx show
Prepayment or super bargain price? Be sure to familiarize yourself!
Ad ID: #1288875 (added by a registered user, registration date: 19-11-2019)
Added / Updated: 13-07-2024 22 :22  (current, until: 07-13-2025)
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