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Spring wheat seeds, hard Xanthi, elite, Kyiv region.
Насіння пшениці ярої, твердої Ксантія, еліта
Насіння пшениці ярої, твердої Ксантія, еліта
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Spring wheat seeds, hard Xanthi, elite, Kyiv region.

Price20 000 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv region.   ( S. Malopolovetske)
Grain purpose: Посівний матеріал
Wheat Spring Xanthia
The originator is the Plant Breeding Institute named after V.Ya. Yuryev National Academy of Sciences. The year of registration is 2019.

The variety is leukurum (leusurum).

The variety is medium-ripening, the duration of the growing season is 96 days. The variety is characterized by significant plasticity and high productivity potential.

Medium resistant to lodging, plant height is 96 cm on average.

Exceeds the standard for resistance to solid and volatile carbon black.

In the competitive variety test, the variety showed advantages over the standard in terms of protein content of 15.02% (+1.1%), total pasta score of 8.1 points (+1.3 points), carotenoid pigments content of 3.7 mg/kg (+0 .65 mg/kg), has excellent pasta properties. 
The average yield over the years of testing in the cone variety test is 4.69 t/ha, the highest is 6.4 t/ha.

The sowing rate is 5 million similar grains per hectare.Seeds must be treated with fungicide and insecticide before sowing.
Recommended for growing in the Forest Steppe.

Resistance to lying down 8 points.
Resistance to shedding 9 points.
Drought resistance 7 - 9 points.
Resistance against powdery mildew 9 points.
Resistance against brown rust 9 points.
Resistance against fusarium head blight 9 points.
Resistance against root rot 9 points.
Resistance against the turtle bug 9 points.
Resistance against the Swedish fly 9 points.
Minimum order from 50 kg.
Bags of 50 kg
Big bag 1000kg
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Added / Updated: 07-09-2024 09:02  (current, until: 09-07-2025)
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