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Garlic planting Hermidor, Mesidrom, Mesidor Lyubasha 1 reproduction + 8 varieties, Vinnytsia region.
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Garlic planting Hermidor, Mesidrom, Mesidor Lyubasha 1 reproduction + 8 varieties, Vinnytsia region.| ||141

Ціна100 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Vinnytsia region. (Khmilnyk)
Призначення: Garlic seeds, balloons
Quantity: 8 tons
We accept orders forgarlic different varieties. We provide a complete technological map of cultivation with a planting scheme, protective equipment,herbicides, etc. We advise. Sending by mail, self-delivery. Help with the sale of the grown crop...
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Serhiyreviews, info. / activity evaluation
Phone: 0971xxxxxx show
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Ad ID: #1250112 (added by registered user, registration date: 07-08-2016)
Added / Updated: 03-09-2024 08 :30  (current, until: 02-12-2024)
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