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Egg for incubation from purebred chickens. Chinese silk paleva, splash, black, Zhytomyr region.
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Egg for incubation from purebred chickens. Chinese silk blanket, plain, black, Zhytomyr region.

Price25 UAH.
Region:вся Україна, Zhytomyr Region. (Ukraine)
Пропоную до продажу інкубаційне яйце від Породистих курей. Китайські шовкові палева, спліш, чорна.
They live in a separate room,chickens will be purebred!(//
It is advisable to order in advance!!! Chickens to order.

Chinese silkchickens are an amazing breed. An exceptional feature of these chickens is their plumage, which resembles animal fur. It is also interesting that the meat of purebred chickens is almost black. Thesebirds are also interesting because they can be bred and used as pets, they are quite communicative.
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