Lavazza Crema Ricca - this blend of the natural isnical coffhe of the midst of the roasting planetary. Ready cofe has a friendly bite with notes
Sukfyktov and Chocolate, and the aroma remains
= The smells of cocoa, the bishop and the fresh breast. One of the heads of the peculiarities of this cofe is a high -speed. Coffe is not sooting of artistic fragrances, beauty or chemical additives.
Mining order: 6
Celltorm Collector: Italy
Stepen roasting: medium
Coffe variety: Arabica/Robusta
Retained notes: milk chocolate, dried fruits
Intense: 7
Well: 1000 g
Brand: Lavazza
Category: Grain Coffe
- Labor Church in Kiev or Dnieper on the fact
- Pleased payment for delivery "new mail" or "delaners";
- Наложенный платеж при доставке "Новой почтой" или "Деливери";
- With Visa / Mastercard Cards or Privat24;
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- Self -Use of the warehouse in Kiev or Dnieper;
- Kurier delivery in the preferences of the city of Kyiv and Dnepr;
- transport "Novaya Post" or "Delawers" in Ukraine.
Put all the necessary documents.
Oblichie, these and second questions are refined with the manager. You can