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Премікс ECOchick Несучка 1% - для Курей Несучок - ТМ Агро-В, Волинська обл.
Премікс ECOchick Несучка 1% - для Курей Несучок - ТМ Агро-В
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ECOchick Laying Premix 1% - for Laying Hens - TM Agro-V, Volyn region.

Price55 UAH.
Region:all Ukraine, Volyn region. (M. Kovel)
     Premix "Laying hen" 1% "ECOchick" - universaladditive tofeed птиці для збільшення несучості та правильної роботи організму пернатих.
Benefits of use:

designed for all types of farm birds;
increases the bearing capacity by 30-40% ;
convenient and very economical to use;(//
reduces the amount of food used;
increases the tone of birds, strengthens health;
saturates with all elements important for egg productivity;
very good price for a quality product;
the most affordable price throughout Ukraine, if compared with premixes of similar quality;
premix corresponds to DSTU 4120-2002.
Author, contacts
Alina / reviews, info . / estimate of activity
Phone: +38(xxxxxx show
Prepayment or a super favorable price? Be sure to check it out!
Ad ID : #1216645 (added by a registered user, registration date: 02-07-2020)
Added / Updated: 11-11-2024 17:01  (current, until: 11-11-2025)
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