Канди медовое лечебное с тимолом 1 кг, Дніпропетровська обл.
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Канди медовое лечебное с тимолом 1 кг, Дніпропетровська обл.
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Регіон: Dnipropetrovsk region (Днепр)
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Paste of Candid Lechebnoe with thymol, predictable - for the feed of the beekeeping and flight from varroatosis, noisematosis and acarapidosis, as well as for the prevention of ascopherrosis and rotten -fell. They are reduced by the method of complaining of the late autumn and winter, the cogd is cold more and the beekeepers do not can take the feed from the feed.
Roskhod: 1 kg of flying curriculum at 1 Semu.
Medium on the power Bevel Semi of one пакета хватает примерно на месяц не вызывая стимуляции яйцекладки и каловой нагрузки.
The year of fertility-12 monsters. T Choleration -5… + 15 S.