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AgroRost adhesive with amino acids, Kyiv
Прилипатель АгроРост (AgroRost)с аминокислотами
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AgroRost adhesive with amino acids, Kyiv

Price100 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv|| |137
AgroRost adhesive with amino acids is a universal drug used on the entire pesticide group (гербіциди,insecticides,fungicides) to improve the effect of these drugs. It covers the culture with a film, which guarantees a more stable and full effect of the drugs at lower rates of consumption, in order to obtain a better and long-lasting effect. Also, the product ensures the resistance of drugs to being washed away by rain.

Advantages of the drug

It is completely safe for plants(//
Economy at low cost rates
Used with any chemical preparations
The active substance is gradually distributed throughout the plant.

Preparative form: aqueous solution
Packaging: plastic bottle, 1000 ml.
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