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= Grain Siva Great Plains Cph 1500, Sumy Region
sell / buy b (used)

Зернова сівалка Great Plains CPH 1500, Сумська обл.

= Price 22 000$
region: All Ukraine, Sumy region || | 158   (Сумы)
= updated:
Grain сівалка Great Plains cph 1500
The width of the grip 4.5 m= (// tractor-service.com)
= With the possibility of working on minimal as hinged and zero technology as trailed, with dry fertilizers
It is equipped with Blu-Jet turbo nons, it is possible to work separately for soil straightening. Working with a tractor 130 hp
= author, contacts
== Vitaliy/відгуки, інфо./= Estimation of Activity
Phone: =+38 (XXXXXXX Display || | 201
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ID оголошення: #1207162 (додано зареєстрованим користувачем, дата реєстрації: 13-04-2020)
Додано / Оновлено: 05-02-2025 06:50   (Topical, to: 05-02-2026)
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== Grains of the Great Plains Cph 1500, Sumy Region
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