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Fuel ​​straw briquettes, Vinnytsia region.
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Fuel ​​briquettes from straw, Vinnytsia region .

Region: Vinnytsia region.
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Evrodrova (fuel briquettes) ― this is economical, convenient, modern and ecologically clean biofuel. Fuel briquettes do not include any harmful binding substances, are widely used and can be used for various types of stoves, central heating boilers,firewoodwood and coal boilers .

Also, they burn perfectly in fireplaces, ovens, grills. Briquettes can be used both for heating private property and for industrial facilities (farms, warehouses and industrial premises, boiler rooms).

Eurowood can also be used to prepare kebabs or a grill. When fat gets on them, they do not ignite, but continue to smolder or burn with a steady, low flame.

Fuel briquettes are made from crushed straw, without adding any other components, chemicals, fillers or glue.
The straw is deposited (last year).
1.5 t of briquettes = 1 tcoal;
Diameter 8 cm.
Packaging: bags of about 30 kg.

The price is UAH 5,250/ton.

Pickup in Vinnytsia, delivery is agreed individually.
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