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Megalip antidote NOPOSON, Kyiv
Протруйник Мегаліп НОПОСОН
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Megalip NOPOSON antidote, Kyiv

Region: all of Ukraine, Kyiv

surface-active substance, adjuvant, dispersant, emulsifier, stabilizer, transport agent to increase the effectiveness of drugs

Content of the active substance: alcohol ether of sodium sulfate, 700 g/l

Preparative form: water solution

Consumption of working fluid: 100-300 l/ha

Packaging: 5 l

Advantages of Megalip:
helps to qualitatively mix components that are difficult to combine with each other, for example, oil and water;
ensures the stability of the working solution;
provides a reduction in surface tension and wetting of even pubescent parts of the plant;
helps the retention of the working solution on the surface of the plant and the active penetration of the active substance through the cuticle and even wax coating;
reduces the rate of use of drugs and working solution;
prevents washing off of drugs with sediments;
the absence of a negative influence on the culture of the drug Megalyp has been proven, even when the norm is exceeded by 5 times.
Application of Megalip:
Winter and spring cereals

Consumption rate, l/ha - 0.2-0.25 (0.1% of working solution 1.0 l per 1000 liters of working solution)
Method and time of processing - Corresponds to the methods and time of processing of drugs with which Megalip is used
The waiting period before cleaning - Corresponds to the waiting period of drugs with which Megalip is used
Usage - Together with drugs: Thorlighting, Happy Star, Thunderstorm, Hephaestus, Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon.

Consumption rate, l/ha - 0.2-0.25 (0.1% of working solution 1.0 l per 1000 liters of working solution)
Method and time of processing - Corresponds to the methods and time of processing of drugs with which Megalip is used
The waiting period before cleaning - Corresponds to the waiting period of drugs with which Megalip is used
Usage - Together with drugs: Torlighting, Happy Star, Groza, Hephaestus, Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon.

Consumption rate, l/ha - 0.2-0.25 (0.1% of working solution 1.0 l per 1000 liters of working solution)
Method and time of processing - Corresponds to the methods and time of processing of drugs with which Megalip is used
The waiting period before harvesting - corresponds to the waiting period of the drugs with which Megalyp is used(//
Usage - Together with drugs: Thorlighting, Happy Star, Thunderstorm, Hephaestus, Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon
Rapeseed winter, spring.

Consumption rate, l/ha - 0.1-0.125 (0.05% of working solution 0.5 l per 1000 liters of working solution)
Method and time of processing - Corresponds to the methods and time of processing of drugs with which Megalip is used
The waiting period before cleaning - Corresponds to the waiting period of drugs with which Megalip is used
Usage - Together with preparations: Torlighting, Happy Star, Groza, Hephaestus, Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon
Rapeseed, mustard

Consumption rate, l/ha - 0.1-0.125 (0.05% of working solution 0.5 l per 1000 liters of working solution)
Method and time of processing - corresponds to the methods and time of processing of drugs with which Megalip is used
The waiting period before cleaning - Corresponds to the waiting period of drugs with which Megalip is used
Usage - Together with preparations: Torlighting, Happy Star, Groza, Hephaestus, Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon
Sugar beet

Consumption rate, l/ha - 0.1-0.125 (0.05% of working solution 0.5 l per 1000 liters of working solution)
Method and time of processing - Corresponds to the methods and time of processing of drugs with which Megalip is used
The waiting period before cleaning - Corresponds to the waiting period of drugs with which Megalip is used
Usage - Together with preparations: Torlighting, Happy Star, Groza, Hephaestus, Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon

Consumption rate, l/ha - 0.1-0.125 (0.05% of working solution 0.5 l per 1000 liters of working solution)
Method and time of processing - Corresponds to the methods and time of processing of drugs with which Megalip is used
The waiting period before cleaning - Corresponds to the waiting period of drugs with which Megalyp is used
Usage - Together with drugs: Thorlighting, Happy Star, Groza, Hephaestus, Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon
We always use the drug Megalyp together withTorlighting herbicide. We recommend using the herbicide Hepa Star in all cases and Groza when the drug is applied to growing weeds. We recommend Hephaest herbicide, especially under stressful conditions in weeds and in the presence of white swan. Recommended for improving the effectiveness of the drugs: Balor, Akinak, Milanit, Kevlar, Carbon.

Mechanism of action of Megalip:
Megalyp begins to work already in the working solution. Acting as an emulsifier - helps to qualitatively mix the components of the working solution; as a dispersant - maintains the uniformity of the working solution. Already during spraying, as an adjuvant, Megalyp reduces the surface tension, drops of the drug do not bounce off the plant, but spread, spreading the working solution over the treated surface, the area of ​​penetration of the working solution increases and at the same time the rate of absorption by the plant. Thanks to the use of drugs together with Megalyp, we get a stable and effective result of the drugs.

Megalip speed of action:
Megalip reduces the surface tension of liquids, increases the coverage area and helps the penetration of the drug into the plant, which can positively affect the speed and effectiveness of the drug.

Tank mixtures:
It is compatible with the majority of known drugs, moreover, it helps to mix the components of the tank mixture qualitatively and obtain a more stable and uniform working solution. But in each individual case, a compatibility test should be conducted. Megalip helps to mix drugs and not prevent their incompatibility.

Compliance with the sequence of adding the components of the working solution is mandatory. Fill the tanksprayer to 1/3 of the volume, add the necessary drugs in the correct sequence with the mixer turned on, fill the tank to the required volume, turn off the mixer, add Megalip and turn the mixer on again. To the so-called We do not add "mother liquor" when used together with Groza and Hepa Star, Megalyp preparations.
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