Высокоэффективный инсектицидно-фунгицидный протравитель для защиты семян от широкого спектра болезней и вредителей при прорастании, всходах и начальных стадиях развития. Росторегулятор, стимулятор роста и фотосинтеза
Active substance: Thiamethoxam, 150 g / l + Tebuconazole, 50 g / l + Azoxystrobin, 50 g / l
Drug form: concentrated suspension
Long-term control over a wide range of pests and diseases.
We get the maximum potential of the drug in cultivation technologies, where high seeding rates are designed to increase crop yield.
A convenient way to replace soil and leaf insecticides
It is supported by worldwide registration to ensure the free movement of processed seeds on the world market.
Safe for workers and the environment (when complying with the application regulations).
Low level of costs with ease of use in processing.
It provides a high-quality coating and holds well on the seeds, which leads to remarkable effectiveness against diseases.
It not only prevents losses, but also improves the quality and quantity of the harvest.
It acts against fungal infections on the seed coat and inside, providing comprehensive protection.
Against seed and soil diseases * of corn, wheat, barley, triticale, oats, namely: fungi, root fungi, leaf diseases of the initial stages of development. Treatment for pest control during seed storage. Combating early soil and foliar pests on such crops as wheat, barley, triticale, oats, *maize, sorghum, *
sunflower. Can be used separately and with other products for processing seeds.
* - cultures with worldwide experience of using this drug or its 100% corresponding analogue
Consumption of working fluid: 166
7-50 л / т посевного материала, в зависимости от культуры, для обеспечения равномерного покрытия поверхности семян.
Shelf life and storage conditions:
Three years in closed factory packaging at a temperature from 0 ° C to + 35 ° C.
Tank mixtures:
Compatible with the insecticide imidacloprid,
fungicides: difenoconazole, fludioxonil, metalaxyl colorless; as well as other products that received a neutral reaction in the compatibility test, but did not impair the sowing qualities of the seeds. Incompatible with compositions based on organic solvents.
Speed, selectivity and duration of protective action:
Protection against damage by pests and diseases at the initial stages of vegetation. Protection against pests and fungi of seeds when stored for 9 months.