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AFB-2 - drug against rot, Kyiv
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AFB-2 - drug against rot, Kyiv

Price800 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv| ||137
AFB-2 - a two-component drug for the treatment of rot (Protic acid(A)+Chlorate(B)
The ready-to-use preparation is an aqueous solution containing protonic acid and chlorite ion.
Use of the drug
The drug is applied by spraying with a spray gun onto a sheet of rigid plastic or metal foil of such dimensions as to fit the bottom (or top) of the hive. After application, the sheet is placed under the frames of the beehive with the treated surface so that the treated surface touches the bottom of the beehive.
For infected settled diseases, the treatment can be repeated once a week until the disease is eliminated. In case of a very severe infection, the course of treatment should be repeated every 3-4 days.
In populated areas, the drug should be worn in the evening, not in the morning, to avoid rapid decomposition caused by high temperature. Conversely, if there is a need for increased fumigation of beehives, primarily empty beehives, the application should be carried out at a higher temperature, which ensures greater activity of protonic acid. The treatment of hollow spheres is especially useful for destroying sporesfungi, cells and bacteria.
The method of preparing the working solution
Immediately before use, each concentrate (separately) is mixed with water in the proportion of 100 ml of concentrate per 1.5-1.7 liters of water. After that, the two solutions are mixed, obtaining 3.2-3.6 liters of the drug. Approximately 1/2 liter of the drug is used for eachhive.(//
How to store the drug
The shelf life of the drug at t 2÷8°C (refrigerator) is 24 months.
Composition of the drug
The drug in the form of 2 concentrates:
concentrate A - protonic acid solution
concentrate B - chlorite solution
What does the package include
Packaging: 2 vials of 100 ml of solution in injection vials.
Color: light liquid with a pungent smell
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