Alfalip surfactant improves the wetting of the above-ground parts of plants and strengthens the adhesion of the working solution of drugs, which contributes to the rapid and more complete penetration of the active substances of pesticides into the plant. This accelerates the action of herbicides,fungicides andinsecticides, ensuring their high efficiency. This is especially important during dry or cold weather, when the growth of weeds slows down and their wetting by the working solution deteriorates. In addition, the use of surface-active substances provides excellent resistance to being washed away by rain, heavy dew and ultraviolet rays, which extends the duration of the protective effect of the drugs.
To prepare the working solution, pour the required amount of pesticide into the 1/3 filled tank of the sprayer with the mixing mode turned on. After 15 minutes, Alfalip surfactant is added and the tank is filled with water. It is especially recommended for use with herbicides in dry conditions, when there are only moderately sensitive weeds to the applied herbicide and weeds that are in an overgrown or stressed state.