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Семенной картофель Солоха элита, отправляем почтой, Вінницька обл.
Семенной картофель Солоха элита, отправляем почтой
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Solokha elite seed potato, sent by mail, Vinnytsia region.

Region: Vinnytsia region. (S. Yakushintsy)
Purpose: Seed potatoes
Realize seed potatoes First seed reproductions
We send by mail from 5 kg.
Seeds of ideal quality
Solokha Elita seed early potato is a unique variety of Ukrainian selection with an unusual rich purple flesh color and dark skin. The rare bright color of the variety is due to the presence of a natural pigment, which is also present in some wild potato varieties. Tubers are round-oval, anthocyanin coloration of the tuber pulp. The yield of tubers is 40 t/ha at the end of the growing season, the content ofstarch - 20.1%. Taste qualities are good (8.4 points). Relatively resistant to common scab and late blight. Recommended growing areas: Polesie, Forest Steppe. The elite variety was bred by the breeders of the Institute of Potato Breeding of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and is characterized by a high content of antioxidants and vitamins useful for the body (up to 6-7 times more than in ordinary potatoes). The taste qualities are delicate, with the presence of nutty notes unusual for potatoes. The taste is perfectly revealed when roasting and barbecuing, but this variety is impeccable in its versatility: it is suitable for preparing purees, draniks, baked dishes, and especially -salads.(//
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