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 / Seeds, seedlings and sowing materials  / Seedlings of fruit and berry bushesRaspberry seedlings  / Maravilla variety raspberry seedlings for sale...
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Продам Саджанці малини сорт Маравилла (Maravilla), ремонтантна, Львівська обл.
For sale / buy

For sale Raspberry seedlings Maravilla variety (Maravilla), repairable, Lviv region.

Price25 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Lviv region. (BRODY)
We would like to present to your attention a remontant varietybred raspberries| ||163 в США - Маравілла. Має потужні пагони, які можуть витягнути до 2 врожаїв за сезон, можуть досягати до 2 метрів у висоту.
Each bush will produce a bountiful harvest.(//
Characteristics of Maravilla raspberry varieties
The berry is large, red, one-dimensional. Very good indicators of transportability and storageberries (very often used in industrial plantings).Raspberry Maravilla variety does not require special care: treatment against diseases and pests.
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Ad ID: #1153760 (added by registered user, registration date: 08-05-2016)
Added / Updated: 11-09-2024 11 :48  (current, until: 09-11-2025)
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