Description Vitaks digester - протруйник Вітакс, аналог Конфидор ; Когинор имидаклоприд 300 г/л, против комплекса вредителей
Insecticidal system seed treatment of grain crops against soil pests and seedling pests.
Container: 5 l Cereals crops: Complex of soil pests of seedlings - 0.5-2.5 l/t
Preparative form:
liquid suspension concentrate (TCS).
Active substance:
imidacloprid, 300 g/l.
Chemical class: (//
Mechanism of action:
Imidacloprid causes a violation of the nervous system of phytophagous insects, due to a failure of the conduction of impulses through the nerve synapse, which leads to the death of insects.
Properties and advantages:
treated seeds provide full insecticidal protection against all important soil pests and pests of vegetative mass;
effective at low dosage;
complete protection of the culture from the moment of sowing to the establishment of the plant, ensures the uniformity of seedlings and the specified density of sowing;
long period of action, protects both the seed and the vegetative plant;
systemic and contact action allows to protect against sucking and biting pests.
Registration of the drug:
Cereal crops: Complex of soil pests of seedlings - 0.5-2.5