Biohumus (вермікомпост) - це органічне, повністю екологічно чисте і найкраще з відомих добриво, вироблене шляхом переробки органічних відходів рослинництва і тваринництва популяціями дощового черв'яка.
7 л - 50 грн; 20л - 120 грн; 30 кг - 240 грн
Organic Standard Certificate
Actually production in the village.
Parsley, Kiev region
Moisture - 40-45%
Ash - 35-45%
Organic substances - 35-65%
Humic substances - 20-32%
General nitrogen - 1.0-2.0%
General phosphorus (P2O5) - 0.9-3.0%
Total total (K2O) - 0.9-2.0%
Useful natural microflora, phytohormones and vitamins.
Difference of biohumus from other organic
fertilizer - increased content in it
water -soluble forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Due to high content (up to 32% per dry weight) humic substances - humic
кислот, фульвокислот та гумінів, - біогумус як органічне добриво має високі
agrochemical and growth -stimulating properties. In biohumus there are no pathogenic
Microorganisms, helminth eggs, weed seeds and heavy metals. In addition, contained
In the biohumus community of useful microorganisms that inhabit the soil when it is introduced,
There are phytohormones, bactericidal and fungicidal compounds, antibiotics that displaces
Pathogenic microflora. As a result, the soil will be healed and many are common
Plant diseases are eliminated.
Biohumus contains absolutely no chemical, mineral, synthetic additives,
Improves plant resistance to diseases and pests. Biohumus significantly affects the acidity
soil and can bring it pH to normal.
Biohumus is absolutely safe for children, animals and bee. You can