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I will provide a service
Repair of vibration separators BCS 25, BCS 50, BCS 100 on the territory of the customer, Zhytomyr region.
I will provide a service

Repair of Vibroseparatorov БСС 25, БСС 50 , BCS 100 on the territory of the customer, Zhytomyr region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Zhytomyr region.
Updated:|| |145
We carry out major repairs and manufacture of new vibration separatorsgrains BCS-25, BCS-50, BCS-100.

Any convenient form of payment for you.

Always available spare parts for Vibroseparatorov grain BCS-25, BCS-50, BCS-100.

Repair of grain separators BCS, BCS 25, BCS 50, BCS 100, BCS-50, A1-BCS-100.

We offerservices of current, major repair of BCS grain separators, as well as a full list of equipment installation works, its integration into the technological line of your grain processing complex.

Before starting the repair, the company's specialists will conduct a qualified assessment:
- volume of necessary repair works;
- a list of spare parts and mechanisms necessary for carrying out a full list of repair works;

After determining the list of necessary work and spare parts, the necessary sieves are also selected, the nomenclature of which depends on the type of grain processed at the Customer's enterprise.

After agreeing on the work, the list of spare parts, as well as a set of grates, we provide the Customer with a detailed estimate, which shows the cost of repair work, spare parts and mechanisms, and the time frame for the work.(//

The following is a standard list of works usually performed during major repairs:
- Replacing the upper bearings of the rotor core;
- Replacing the cleaners as a whole;
- Replacement of connecting rod heads as a whole;
- Replacing the lower bearings of the rotor core;
- Replacement of silent blocks;
- Replacement of all belts;
- Replacement of counter-drive bearings and cuffs;
- Replacement of connecting rods;
- Replacement of electric motors;
- Adjustment of gaps of the grain separator;
- Welding works;
- Painting works;
- Replacement of grain receivers.

All questions by phone: +380939044107; +380672989281 .
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Vytalyi / reviews, info.activity evaluation
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