ukr RUS
 / Various goods  / Fuel, PMM  / Вугілля кам`яне  / I will sell coal DH 13-100, DH 50-200, DH 0-13
 / ... / ... / Stone coal
For sale / buy
I will sell coal DH 13-100, DH 50-200, DH 0-13, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Продам уголь ДГ 13-100, ДГ 50-200, ДГ 0-13
I will sell / buy

I will sell coal DH 13 -100, DH 50-200, DH 0-13, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Price5500 UAH.
Region:all Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Продам уголь
DH 13-100, ash 9-14%,(//
DH 50-200, ash up to 10,
DH 0-13, ash up to 25, ash up to 30%
by automobile and wagon standards, available on the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region. ==feedback, info.
Автор, контакти
Игорь /  відгуки, інфо. / activity evaluation
Phone: 3806xxxxxx show|| |181
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Ad ID: #1113631 (added by a registered user, registration date: 07-20-2018)
Added / Updated: 09-28-2024 11 :35  (current, until: 09-28-2025)
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