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Грядки Высокие, Грядки Металлические, Грядки Из Профнастила, Грядки Киев, Київ
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High flower beds, Metal flower beds, Professional flooring flower beds, Flower beds Kyiv, Kyiv

Price 50 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv   (Boychenoko 16)|| |154
.High beds, metal beds for plants.
One of any busy gardeners.
The standard sizes are 2000*100*200 and any product can be made according to your size.(//
Steel 0.45 mm thick.
Color palette of all the colors of the rainbow + wood, stone, brick.
Call us for advice on any question !!!
Author, contacts
Evgenyfeedback, info. / activity evaluation
Phone: +380xxxxxx show
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Ad ID: #1113317 (added by a registered user, registration date: 12-03-2020)
Added / Updated: 11-10-2024 10 :58  (current, until: 11-10-2025)
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